thailand bound*

my niece angela

my niece angela

angela {my big sis darlene's daughter}, canon 50d

My niece will be here in a few hours. She'll be sinking into the Boho home for a week before she ventures off to Thailand with her lovely boyfriend. She's going there to get me some pretty things explore and connect and deepen and bond with her man and her surroundings.

I am excited to send her off with a full belly and a light heart. She too is a foodie and is on a conscious journey of her mind, body, soul. I admire her commitment to Bikram Yoga, which she has done 3 - 4 times a week for a few years now. She rocks my world!

We look forward to playing in the kitchen together. I love that she shares my passion for whole, healthy and YUMMY food. We are so not about depriving ourselves of food tasting so good that our taste buds explode.

Most of her life, Angela has been told "you look so much like your aunt Denise"..."you ARE so much like your aunt", la la la...and part of me felt so darn proud of that (because ummmm...she's WAY more beautiful and cool) but another part of me wanted her to find her own spirit and way of being. To not feel like she is growing up in my shadow. I write this with tears so in awe of who she has become. She is indeed her OWN person, leaving the valley, setting up camp in San Francisco and dancing to the beat of her own drum. We are still kindreds and share many interests and have similar mannerisms but we are different people, blossoming from different experiences, learning from one another, walking side by side. No shadows. Just light.

Since I became her aunt when I was 12 years old, we pretty much have grown up together...and I consider her a dear friend in my circle of goddess sisters that help me evolve deeper into the woman I want to be.

All of my nieces and nephews are yummy and teach me. Blessed, I am.

{angela & her boyfriend at a wedding...isn't he fab?}